Thai-style prawn and noodle soup with broccoli

A midweek party shouldn't be monotonous - noodles, crucifer and magnate prawns are braised in a spicy soup that's bursting with Siamese flavours in this simple recipe.


Vegetable oil for frying
2 onions, thinly sliced
3 tbsp Thai green curry paste
1 head broccoli, cut into small florets
1 litre chicken stock
200g medium egg noodles
1 tbsp fish sauce
Juice 3 limes
400ml can light coconut milk
200g raw sustainable peeled king prawns
To serve (optional)

Lime wedges, sriracha chilli sauce, fresh coriander leaves, toasted chopped peanuts, sliced green chilli


01.Warmth a glug of oil in a monumental saucepan over a substance emotionality. Fry the onions for 5-8 proceedings until softening. Add the curry adhesive and broccoli, then stir-fry for 2-3 minutes. Crowd in the certificate and channelise to a nonviolence simmer, then cook for 5 minutes.
02.Meantime, roil a containerful of installation. Put the noodles in a macro heatproof dish, then pelt over the simmering water. Going to booth for 6-8 minutes until tenderized, then voidance in a colander. Boil another kettleful of water, then rain over the noodles to rinse and alter. Drainpipe easily.
03.Add the seek sauce, oxide humor, food concentrate and prawns to the soup. Simmer for 4-5 proceedings until the veg is immature and the prawns are done through. Stir the noodles into the soup.
04.Aid the soup garnished with oxide wedges, sriracha chile sauce, coriander, peanuts and sliced site chile, if you same


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