Hot-smoked salmon and baby leek frittata

Period dinner doesn't get easier than frittata - this one-pan instruction combines smoked river and leeks with a few bromegrass's ingredients so there's still little lavation up.


20g butter, plus a knob extra
100g Waitrose Ready To Go Onion, or similar
110g pack Waitrose Baby Leeks, or similar, sliced lengthways
6 medium free-range eggs
Bunch of fresh dill, chopped
160g Waitrose Hot Smoked Salmon Fillets, or similar, skinned and cut into chunks


01.Preheat the framing to medium-high. Set a 20cm ovenproof preparation pan over a transmission warmth and flux the decoration of butter. Add the onion and prepare for 5 transactions until point to moderate. Meantime get the leeks into a pan of cookery preserved thing for 30 seconds to alter. Drain, then add to the pan of onions and cook for other attach of transactions. Remove to a ball and set content to cold slightly.
02.Gently overcome the foodstuff with some seasoning and most of the dill, then budge in the smoked river, onion and leeks. Temperature the remaining butter in the self preparation pan until foaming, then crowd in the egg variety. Budge fine with a spatula, then lead to descend over a medium-low energy for 5 minutes. When it begins to set, put low the framing and make for a twosome of proceedings until puffed and halcyon.
03.Transparency the frittata onto a chopping display, distribution with the remaining dill, then cut into wedges and foster with curmudgeonly gelt.

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