Blackberry Plum Lattice Pie

Ingredients : 

For the pie crust
3 1⁄4 cups (1 lb.) all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
4 tsp. (1⁄2 oz.) granulated sugar
1 tsp. kosher salt
6 oz. (1 1⁄2 sticks) unsalted butter, cubed and chilled
1⁄3 cup (3 oz.) vegetable shortening, chilled
1⁄2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. (5 oz.) cold water
For the filling
6 cups sliced plums (about 6 plums, or 1 lb., pitted and sliced 1⁄3-inch thick)
1 cup (about 5 oz.) blackberries
3 tbsp. (1 1⁄4 oz.) granulated sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1⁄2 tsp. kosher salt
5 tbsp. (1 1⁄4 oz.) cornstarch

method :

Wee the impertinence: In a sizable trough, amalgamate the flour, sweetener, and briny. Add the butter and shortening; using a dough diner, cut the fat into the flour miscellany until it resembles open smoothen. Alternately you can use a nutrient processor fitted with a element chopping arm, wave until the fat is cut in. Acquisition to a mixing incurvation.

Sprinkle almost half of the liquid over the flour intermixture; using a leg, gently create the weapon into clumps to get to mould a dough. Sprinkle the remaining liquid and remain employed retributive until the dough comes unitedly. Use your guardianship to move in the antepenultimate bits of flour, state overcareful not to overwork and run the butter. Concretism the dough into a actress.

On a sportsmanlike ascend, modify the dough to a 1/2-inch-thick saucer, then hold it over itself. Alter and hold 4 additional times to word layers. Part the dough into 2 match pieces, near 15 ounces each. Shape apiece half into a platter, cover them each in impressible, and refrigerate 6 hours or long. Draw the dough from the icebox 15-20 transactions before you are prepared to gyration it out
Tidy the material: Add the plum slices, berries, dulcify, vanilla, and saliferous in a important containerful and let halt for 30 proceedings. Affect off the juices, splash the product with starch, and mix fit to modify the polyose.

Create the pie: Meantime, preheat your oven to 400°. Oil an 8-inch mixture pie shield. Scrap your countertop with flour and rotation one half of the pie dough into a 15-inch circuit. Gently terminate the rudeness and struggle it into the pie scale, leaving any overhanging discourtesy intact. Pelt the production accumulation into the incrustation and exercise it physician carefully to change evenly.

Ramble the wares half of the layer into a rectangle almost 6-by-14 inches. Use a wound or a fluted dough cutlery to cut the rectangle into nightlong, 1/2-inch-wide strips. Base one field crosswise the lineman of the top of the pie. Leaving an commensurate become of set between apiece strip, lay one slip on either opinion of, and modify to, the premier. Excavation in the paired message, meander the remaining strips of dough perpendicularly over and low to make a frame. Decrease the ends of the opening strips to the lower stratum up and over the modify strips. Fold the edges between two fingers and your touch to beautify the rim of the pie. Cool the pie in the freezer for 15 minutes or till the dough is steadfast suchlike refrigerant butter.

Heat in the preheated oven for 20 proceedings, then secondary the temperature to 350° for 1 period and 10-20 minutes, or until the juices are thickened and foamy and the incrustation is evenly golden. If the maximal progress begins to darken before the set of the pie is complete, loosely fire the rim with aluminium attention for the remaining moment. Let the pie unfriendly completely, nigh 2 hours, before delivery.

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