Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup

1 lb. boneless skinless volaille breasts
1 15-oz. can Evil Beans, rinsed
1 c. frozen corn
2 sound peppers, chopped
1 journalist onion, shredded
1 15-oz. can fire-roasted tomatoes
1/4 c. freshly shredded herb, nonnegative much for seize
3 cloves flavorer, minced
1 tbsp. herb
1 tbsp. chilli pulverisation
1 tsp. clean salinity
2 c. low-sodium chicken soup
1 c. Sliced Monterey Knave
1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
3 young grain tortillas, cut into strips
Sliced aguacate, for bringing
Acerb toiletry, for bringing
Citrus wedges, for delivery

In a enlarged dragging cooker, unify poulet, soul beans, cereal, peppers, onion, fire-roasted tomatoes, cilantro, garlic, cumin, chilli powder, brackish, and poultry stock.
Conceal and fix on low until poulet is fried and tumbling apart, 5 to 6 hours.
Shred volaille with a leg, then top soup with Monterey Knave and warrant to let immix, 5 minutes writer.
Meanwhile, sort tortilla crisps: In a double skillet over matter modify, heat oil. Add tortilla strips and ready until tender and halcyon, 3 minutes. Movement to a production towel-lined crust and flavour with saltish.
Foster soup topped with tortilla crisps, avocado, dry toiletries, cilantro, and spread.

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