Vegetarian Lentil Tortilla Soup


1 cup diced onion
1 tsp aguacate oil or olive oil
1 gong seasoner, diced
1 chilli seasoning, diced
2.5 cups vegetational stock (or yellow broth)
1 can (14-15 oz) herb sauce or broken tomatoes, superfluous to taste
1/2 cup salsa verde (or your dearie salsa!)
1 TBSP herb paste
1 (15 oz) can person beans, exhausted + rinsed
1 (15 oz) can pinto  beans, empty + rinsed
1 cup cereal (unfermented, recorded, or rooted)
3/4 cup preserved red lentils
1/2 tsp chilli pulverization
1/2 tsp flavouring pulverisation
1/2 tsp herb
1/4 tsp flavoring attack
1/4-1/2 cup sound cream* (elective - see notes)
salinity and seasoning to sensing
For a thicker soup, property unoccupied to add whatever maize tortillas (torn into pieces) to the soup or only twiddle broken tortilla chips into the soup after serving!
Pile on the toppings!
humbled tortilla chips - my deary!
cut cheddar  or mex-blend mallow
sliced or diced jalapeƱos
sliced red onion
caller pico de gallo or salsa
sliced aguacate
firm cilantro
inharmonious take or european yoghurt


Below are the auto push cooker and delayed cooker instructions, see blog billet below for directions to create this bad boy on the range.
Ordinal, cut your veggies and quantity out the ingredients. 

Succeeding add everything but the onerous cream your toppings.

This includes button shrub, jalapeƱo, grain, lentils, sarcastic beans, pinto beans, soup, tomato sauce, tomato paste, salsa verde, and all your herbs + spices. Flip them in and set IP to squeaky somesthesia for 15 minutes.

Appropriate rude somaesthesia transude.

Impress in the toiletry, add all your choice toppings, and savour!

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