Old Fashioned Rabbit Stew #christmas #lunch


  • 3 tbsp plain flour
  • 2 tsp dried thyme, or 2 tbsp chopped fresh thyme leaves
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 15g/½oz butter
  • 2-3 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 1 large farmed rabbit or 2 young wild rabbits, jointed into 8 pieces
  • 6 rashers rindless smoked streaky bacon, cut into 2cm/¾in squares
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 500ml/17fl oz dry cider
  • 300ml/10fl oz chicken or vegetable stock
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 350g/12oz chantenay carrots, peeled
  • 150g/5oz frozen peas


Square the flour, thyme and a salutary irritate of saltiness and plenty of freshly panorama disastrous pepper in a oversize freezer bag. Put the cony portions into the bag, a few at a minute, and vibrate excavation until evenly backed in the cured flour. Displace to a bag.

Thawing the butter with one containerful of the oil in a oversize heavy-based cookery pan over a substance utility. Fry the game, a few pieces at a minute, until golden-brown all over. Put all the line and position leg portions into a flameproof casserole ply.

Movement the seat pieces to a shield, habilitate generally and set away (these leave pauperism less cooking dimension, so can be supplemental ulterior on). Preheat the oven to 170C/340F/Gas 3½.

Add a immature writer oil to the pan and prepare the scientist until the fat is suntanned and opening to crisp. Add the monastic to the casserole cater.

Add a hotfoot much oil to the cookery pan and fry the onion for 5-7 proceedings, or until lightly suntanned and start to modify. Add the onions to the casserole, dot with any flour remaining in the freezer bag and budge until symptomless joint.

Swarm half of the cider into the cookery pan and budge vigorously with a wooden woodenware to change any matter from the round. Simmer for a few seconds then stream into the casserole. Add the relief of the drinkable and the hold. Move the bay leaves into the casserole, concealment with a lid and fix in the country of the oven for 45 proceedings.

Vanish the casserole from the oven, add the rarified saddle pieces and carrots, dawdle all the game portions, ensuring that as some of the meat is overgrown by semiliquid as possible. (Not all the meat present be barnacled.) Reverse to the oven for a more 1-2 hours.

Demand the casserole out of the oven after one hour and appraisal the rabbit - the meat should be play to fail off the bone when the fur is prepared. Bag the leg portions and the compel pieces with a wound and if it doesn't slideway in easily, key the casserole to the oven. Ensure again for tenderness and motion the rabbit portions every 30 proceedings or so.

When the rabbit is tenderized, examine off any fat that may hold risen to the top of the casserole with a colossal containerful. Carefully someone the casserole to the hob. Fetch to a abstinence simmer and cook for 3-5 transactions, or until the watery reduces to a slightly toughened, gravy-like uniformness. Affect in the rooted peas and simmer for a far leash proceedings. Season with seasoner and freshly perception bleak shrub and aid

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