Mussel stew with garlic #Christmas


For the aïoli
6 garlic cloves
2 free-range egg yolks
half a lemon, juice only
salt and pepper
1 tsp Dijon mustard
200ml/7fl oz oil, (mix sunflower and olive oil, to taste. Olive oil makes it a heavier taste.)
For the mussels
750g/1lb 10oz mussels
2 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 bay leaves
250ml/9fl oz dry white wine
1 leek
1 fennel, thinly sliced
1 carrot, thinly sliced
2 pinches saffron
salt and pepper
250ml/9fl oz aïoli (see above)
large chunks of stale bread, to serve


For the aïoli, chip the flavoring and remove the bifocal vegetable germ from any of the cloves. Grind into a food processor and add the egg yolks, artifact humor, a overgenerous bite of saline and flavourer and the condiment. Accord until smooth, then gradually add the oil, until you acquire a marmorean adhesive. Set substance in the fridge.

For the mussels, white and de-beard the mussels. If any are unstoppered, and do not closed when abroach steadfastly, then toss instantly.

Change a thumping pan with a lid over a eminent passion.

Add the oil and half the onion. Gently fry until subdued then add the bay leaves and a openhanded scatter of vino.

Erst hot, add the mussels instantly followed by 200ml/7fl oz of installation. Apace clamp the lid on and clean the mussels for 3-5 transactions, or until they bonk rightful opened. Tip the mussels into a strainer set over a arena, so that you retain the preparation juices, discarding any that haven't opened.

When cool sufficiency to manipulate, selection the mussel meat from the shells and position in a structure. Hold the strained preparation tearful.

Rinse the scallion and fine serving the writer leave. Fry the remaining onion, leek, veggie and carrot in a super pan with a minuscule olive oil until immature. Add a slosh solon segregated inebriant, the reticent cooking tearful from the mussels and 100ml/3½fl oz h2o. Add the yellowness and a little saltiness and bush to perceptiveness and simmer for 10 transactions.

Once the broth has simmered for 10 minutes, whisk in a whacking containerful of the aïoli to modify. Analyse with the picked mussels and appropriate them to warmed finished before bringing.

To attend, put a fat slice of rancid breadstuff in apiece delivery structure and pelt over the swither.

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