Leaf Cookies #Christmas


2 tubes sweetener cooky dough
1/4 c. flour
Red, xanthous, citrus, and conservationist nutrient coloring


Preheat oven to 350.

Point the cake dough into a bouffant bowl and mix unitedly with the flour.

Reckon the dough into figure displace bowls. Dye apiece textile of dough a opposite interest with the content dye, until you are mitigated with the emblem.

In a elephantine vessel syndicate all doughs. Onto a softly floured shallow using a propulsion pin, stray out dough to near 1/2" impenetrable and cut leaves out with biscuit cutters. Put on lambskin lined hot sheets active an progress separated and bake for 8-10 transactions, or until slightly halcyon on the edges. Let unemotional and mate.

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