Butterscotch Banana Pie


  • 100g dark chocolate
  • 125g malted milk or digestive biscuits
  • 66g pack butterscotch pudding whip (we used Angel Delight)
  • 300ml milk
  • 2 medium bananas
  • 60g salted caramel sauce ( or add a pinch of salt to caramel sauce)


  • Immix 75g of the coffee in the microwave in 30 wares bursts. Purr the biscuits in a content processor into crumbs. Pelt the liquefied drinkable onto the biscuit crumbs and zip again. Undo the biscuit aggregation crossways the fund and up the sides of a 16-18cm change pie or dish tin, then put in the fridge to set
  • Sprinkle the butterscotch pudding pulverisation into the milk and wipe together until shine. Serving the bananas. Decide the tin out of the icebox and move the salted chromatic sauce over the lowly. Meet the chromatic with the banana slices. The course present mortal started to thicken, so break it a brief wipe, then spoon it over the bananas. Put in the refrigerator for 5-10 mins to set. Combine the remaining brownness and drizzle over the pie to spend.

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