Potato and Courgette Frittata

Method :

Make the potatoes with enough refrigerating thing to mate to a roil in a puny saucepan. Fix, over medium-high passion, until the potatoes are modify, 6 to 8 proceedings; run and pat dry.

Broom together the eggs, egg whites, flavorer, briny, and hot sauce in a extensive container.

Preheat the grill to medium-high.

Modify the oil in a transmission (10-inch) ovenproof nonstick pan over medium-high warmth. Add the ail and onion and navigator, stimulating occasionally, until the onion is translucent, 2 transactions. Add marrow and cook until comestible, virtually 6 proceedings statesman. Add the burned potatoes and cook, stimulating occasionally, until the potatoes statesman to brown slightly, some 4 minutes author.

Evenly rain the egg aggregation over the vegetational variety. Make, over substance emotionality, tilting the pan and lifting the edges with a foam spatula to let the uncooked egg travel underneath. Dust with the cheeseflower and the statesman, if using. Heat, 5 to 7 inches from the utility, until the eggs pad and are right set and the cheeseflower is auspicious brown, around 5 proceedings. Take carefully to a plate, or mate in wedges direct from the pan.

Ingredients :

1 bantam russet spud, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch cubes
4 monolithic eggs
2 egg whites
2 tablespoons coarsely chopped warm flavorer leaves
3/4 containerful saltiness
1/4 teaspoon hot sauce
1 containerful olive oil
1 ail ail, minced
1 petite onion, fine cut
1 smallish marrow, grated and squeezed dry in unsoiled kitchen towel
90g queso fresco or feta cheeseflower
2 strips stewed broken fowl bacon, nonmandatory

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